Hysteria Conversion
Brilliant article summarizing a totally different approach to understanding psychiatric disorders and the history of psychiatry. The main objective of this paper is to present the importance of hysteria on Babinskis oeuvre and the conceptions of pithiatism from Babinski until the one of conversion disorder.
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The importance in diagnosing conversion hysteria is to avoid unnecessary and harmful investigation and to reduce medical attention to the minimum.

Hysteria conversion. One influential theory dating back to Ancient Greek physicians who thought the symptoms specific to women invoked as their cause the wandering of the uterus hustera from which the word hysteria derives. Conversion disorder or Hysteria is a disorder whereby a person expresses emotional turmoil by converting it into a bodily symptom. Conversion disorder formerly called hysteria a type of mental disorder in which a wide variety of sensory motor or psychic disturbances may occur.
6 Diagnosis was based on inconsistencies in the clinical history the absence of exploratory signs indicative. One such illness termed Conversion Disorder involves the development of sensory or motor symptoms that cannot be explained by physicalmedical causes. Conversion disorder definition is - a psychoneurosis in which bodily symptoms such as paralysis of the limbs appear without physical basis called.
Actually the symptoms of conversion disorder may develop in either sex and may occur in children and elderly people although they are observed most commonly in early adult life. Since 1962 a series of studies have appeared in the psychiatric literature which define hysteria with increasing precision differentiating that syndrome from the presence of conversion symptoms alone. Mass hysteria occurs when a group of people develop unusual symptoms that cannot be scientifically linked to physical causes.
Whereas in Freuds time hysteria was researched. Diagnosis of conversion disorder hysteria followed the criteria set forth in the Spanish version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Hysteria was described in a recognizable fashion more than a century ago by Briquet 1859.
The term conversion was first used by Freud and Breuer to refer to the substitution of a somatic symptom for a repressed idea Reference Freud and Strachey Freud 1894. DSM-IV American Psychiatric Association 1995 Criterion F44x 30011. Conversion disorder conversion reaction conversion hysteria noun a mental disorder characterized by the conversion of mental conflict into somatic forms into.
Conversion hysteria neurosis conversion reaction. Pseudoneurological or conversion symptoms have long been included as part of diagnostic criteria for hysteria and somatization disorder demonstrating a clear recognition of the frequent co-occurrence of these symptoms in patients with these disorders. Today female hysteria is no longer a recognised illness but different manifestations of hysteria are recognised in other conditions such as schizophrenia borderline personality disorder conversion disorder and anxiety attacks or psychogenic non-epileptic seizures.
It is traditionally classified as one of the psychoneuroses and is not dependent upon any known organic or structural pathology. Kŏn-vĕrzhŭn his-terē-ă Hysteria characterized by the substitution of physical signs or symptoms eg blindness deafness and paralysis for anxiety. Hysterical conversion disorders represent functional or unexplained neurological deficits such as paralysis or somatosensory losses that are not explained by organic lesions in the nervous system but arise in the context of psychogenic stress or emotional conflicts.
In this group the symptoms may represent a mechanism of escape from a stressful situation. Babinski gave a mental basis for hysteria in the place of Charcots encephalopatic one and several important semiotic tools to differentiate organic from hysterical manifestations based on studies from 1893-19178. The former term hysteria is derived from the Greek hystera meaning uterus and reflects the ancient notion that hysteria was a specifically female disorder resulting from disturbances in uterine functions.
The most famous incident of conversion disorder and mass hysteria may have been the series of Salem Witch trials in colonial Massachusetts. In that case a group of young women began to exhibit symptoms very similar to those of the Le Roy girls. In children and adolescents the problem may be temporary and resolve with simple measures such as physiotherapy.
My entire psychiatric residency was dominated by Freudian psychosexual theories and how these related to understanding psychiatric disorders such as hysteria conversion reactions and anxiety. Conversion hysteria - a mental disorder characterized by the conversion of mental conflict into somatic forms into paralysis or anesthesia having no apparent cause.
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